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Roses are definitely the Queen of flowers, You can never go wrong with that.


Two Dozen Premium Grade Roses


Glamorous is a premium luxurious presentation

Elegant is a lovely presentation

Cute is a simple presentation


The types of flowers and their shades vary according to the choices of our florists, the season and the availability of the market. We only use freshest and top quality flowers.Our bouquet is that no two bouquets are ever the same so each and every bouquet is truly unique. The picture shows an example of our bouquet with yours containing seasonal flowers similar in colour, texture and vibrancy.If you have selected a particular type of plant or an arrangement of all one type of flower, we may substitute colour if necessary.

Rose and Roses

SKU: 90006

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    99 Menzies Street

    Victoria, BC Canada

    V8V 3X8





    250 386 1915


    Pick Up

    Local pick ups will be available at 99 Menzies Street. storefront, 7 days a week, between 12pm - 9pm.


    Local Delivery

    Deliveries are available 7 days a week, during shop hours.

    We delivery to the most major arer in Greater Victoria, including Landford and Sidney.

    We reserve the right to make substitutions in the event flower product is not available or quality does not meet our requirements. We will substitute with flowers with similar color and style. 

    © Copyright 2021 - Dons Floral.

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